Monday, May 2, 2011

Chicken with corn sauce and chili

Hi everybody welcome to a new recipe.
The recipe we together will do is useful for who wanna to lose some weight
and it is very  healthy and useful for all people.

This recipe is  low calorie and low-fat, which contains only 3 grams of fat and 187 calories.
lets see it :)

500 grams chicken breasts without skin or bone - (boneless)
1 cup of chicken soup
1 of both the red and green peppers - (diced)
1 cup frozen corn -
2 onions green - (clip) 
2 tablespoons lemon juice 
1 to 2 teaspoons hot pepper powder
Salt and pepper - to taste 
1 / 2 teaspoon sugar

How to prepare:
1 - sprinkle some chili powder, salt and sugar on the chicken. Grill the chicken until brown color on both sides.
2 - in a pan, add soup, chili powder, salt, pepper, sugar, lemon juice, corn, green pepper / red and green onions. Leave until boiling.
3 - Boil slowly for 7 to 10 minutes. Then add the chicken to this sauce, and it is done.

Enjoy your meal and wish to see your comments.


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